Lime Kiln Lighthouse Centennial Celebration

Posted on June 17, 2019

On June 30, 2019, San Juan Island’s most recognizable icon, the Lime Kiln Lighthouse, turns 100 years old. It was one of the last lighthouses being built in Washington State, the last to be connected to electricity in 1951 and it’s still in operation today, sending its light beam 17 miles over the Salish Sea every 10 seconds.

Summer at the Lighthouse

Named after the lime kiln operation on its shores for over 90 years, the Coast Guard turned over the area to the Washington Parks for management in 1984, who established the State Park and started using the lighthouse as an interpretive center and whale research station.

 Lighthouse Centennial whale watching

Due to the deep, nutrient rich waters surrounding its cliffs, Orca whales are seen feeding close to shore and quite frequently in Summer, making the park one of the best places to see Orca whales from land on earth.

Lighthouse Centennial

Lime Kiln Lighthouse’s Birthday Party is free (you’ll need a Discover Pass to park) and starts at 3:00 pm on June 30, 2019. What a party it will be! Tour the lighthouse, enjoy live music, silent auctions and raffles, arts and crafts. Speak to the park rangers and enjoy a special Lighthouse Anniversary wine label.

Happy Birthday, Lime Kiln Lighthouse! Thanks for all the memories!

Bird Rock Hotel Washington